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Devotional Singing

What: Bhajans / Devotional Singing
When: 4:00-5:00pm, Saturdays – Refer to Announcements by Sathya Sai Center Of Pittsburgh for any changes
Why: “Manasa Bhajare Guru Charanam, Dustara Bhava Sagara Taranam” — Sri Satya Sai Baba
Where: Friends Meeting Place, 4836 Ellsworth Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Devotional Singing (Bhajans): Group singing of songs glorifying the myriad forms, names, and attributes of the One Divine Lord. Devotional singing (bhajan) is one of the processes by which you can train the mind to expand into eternal values. Teach the mind to revel in the glory and majesty of God; wean it away from petty horizons of pleasure . . . Devotional singing induces in you a desire for experiencing the truth, to glimpse the beauty that is God, to taste the bliss that is the Self. It encourages a man to dive into himself and be genuinely his real Self. – Baba (SSS VII, 497-498)

Bhajan Learning: 3:30 PM to 4:00 PM: On the first Saturday of each month.

This is to provide an opportunity for current and prospective lead singers to introduce new bhajans to the group (including the musical accompanists) and improve in leading familiar bhajans (set the correct pitch etc.).

Besides the above activities, we have special Devotional sessions to celebrate auspicious spiritual events, both at the Center location and at homes of devotees through the year. The Announcements by Sathya Sai Center Of Pittsburgh is a useful resource to verify changes in venue due to such special bhajan programs.