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Global Links Seva

What: Global Links Medical Supplies (Service).
When: 12:30 to 2:30 , TBA.
Where: 4809 Penn Ave, 2nd Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15224
Why: “Manava seva is Madhava seva” — Sri Satya Sai Baba; The English translation is “Service to mankind is Service to the Lord”.

This seva involves help in sorting and shipping of medical supplies to third world countries on several dates this summer.

More Information on the Global Links may be had by visiting the website at Global Links Project.
To Signup for the Global Links Seva Please Click here.

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Envirocare Tips Start


With prayers at the Divine Lotus Feet of our most beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Region 2 (Mid Atlantic Region) will offer a 30-day Spiritual Discipline (Sadhana) Program, from April 1st to 30th, to observe the 7th Anniversary of Swami’s Maha Samadhi (April 24th).

We will start the Sadhana on the Easter Sunday of April 1st which celebrates the Resurrection of the Christ and the Omnipresence of our Sai Avatar. It was on the Easter Sunday, April 24th of 2011 that our beloved Lord chose to withdraw from His physical form and attain Maha Samadhi. Every year, this time period is an opportunity for us to rededicate our lives to Him with all our heart, mind and soul.

To commemorate this sacred occasion, let us participate in the following two sadhanas as our collective offering:

1. Daily Prayer Chanting:

Starting Sunday, April 1st through Monday, April 30th, we request everyone to chant the “Samastha Loka Sukhino Bhavanthu” (May all the beings in all the worlds be happy) prayer 9 times at any time during the day. Start with 3 Omkars; 9 times Samastha Loka prayer; and end with Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti. This collective prayer offering is for the happiness and well-being of all beings in the greater Universe.

Please find for your reference a link to chanting the Prayer:   SAMASTA_LOKA.mp3

2.Serving Mother Earth:

With Swami’s Grace, for the past few years, Sai centers, groups and individuals across our Region have been embracing the auspicious week of Sai Aradhana Day as Sai Go-Green Week, as, every year the Earth Day (April 22) falls in the proximity of Sai Aradhana Day (April 24). This year, let us make the entire month of April as the Sai Go-Green Month. Let us give continuity to our on-going Envirocare initiative by observing the Sai Go-Green month with an awareness of connecting with Mother Nature and making righteous choices when performing any actions.

Starting Sunday, April 1st through Monday, April 30th, we request everyone to take a few minutes every day to review the practical environmental tip-of-the-day on this website, and put it into practice so that we can show our gratitude to Mother Earth for blessing us with this beautiful home.

Let us pay homage and express our heartfelt gratitude to Bhagawan by collectively offering this Sadhana as a flower at Swami’s Divine Lotus Feet during this Aradhana Month.

May Swami guide us all with His love and grace in this loving offering.